Common_bmp.ini Download
Common_bmp.ini Download
Here You can download the Common_bmp.ini of all members of this page. If you have allready drawings made by our own which you would like to fit in please see at the rules page how to do this.
NOTE!!! It is recommended, to download the program
"User_setup.exe" (293 KB) February 15th 2004
from this homepage. The tool was programed by Giorgio Stagni.
With it You can switch between the Common_bmp.ini, Your own User_bmp.ini and maybe other ini-files.
You may also simple rename the Common_bmp.ini into User_bmp.ini by hand.
If you run the Common_bmp.ini.exe a dialogbox will appear asking you where you want to extract the file. If this shall be the standard path of the screensaver, it is given in andvance so you might just click the "extract" button. Otherwise simple change the path.
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