Trainspotter´s train exchange

Trainspotter´s train exchange

Add ons

Köf II Br 323 of AW Limburg with containertrucks (3 KB zip)

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No Graffiti

No Graffiti (633 KB exe) April 10th 2004

No more graffitis in the MM↦screen saver

No more graffitis in the MM↦screen saver. This ad on will "blush" all graffitis in the MM&MM screen saver graphic libraries. Also there is a batch file to simple undo and redo this.


User_setup.exe (293 KB exe) February 15th 2004

Screen shot of 'User_setup.exe'

Configuration tool "User_setup.exe" for the MM&MM screen saver. This tool allows to have more than one User_setup.ini. So that you can make different additional trainsets used by the screen saver. Also you can simple fix a broken bitmap path in the User_bmp.ini with this tool and fix different bmp-ini files together.

Trainspotters Extension Set (TES)

TES (Trainspotters Extension Set) (330 KB zip) February 7th 2006

TES - All trains from my website exept the coaches for the MM&MM screen saver

TES (Trainspotters Extension Set) - All trains from this train exchange exept the coaches for the MM&MM screen saver

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